Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Life is a Circus!

I watched Michael Jackson's memorial service late yesterday afternoon. Well, most of it anyway! I should have recorded the following show just in case they ran over! Which they did! I posted on my facebook page a quick little something to honor him and his life, because I was always a fan. My daughter said she couldn't believe I posted what I did ... I said .... I grew up with the Jackson 5 & The Osmonds!!! You see in those days the color barriers were still pretty strong still. I loved their songs but I purchased The Osmond Brothers albums and Donny's albums... I can't honestly remember purchasing a Jackson 5 album! However, I do own several of Michael Jackson albums. (For you younger generation -- Backstreet Boys & Nsync) BUT the King of Pop emerged. Michael Jackson was a great artist and performer, but also a great humanitarian and believer.... he did more than his fair share to help change the world. He was always in the center ring, always on display, yet seemed to view the world as a child does.... with passion and a huge heart!
A couple things hit me during the service. (Check out Yahoo's memorial page too)
1. I was offended by Berry Gordy's little quip .... something about Michael making wrong decisions .... Really? and don't we all? I just felt that on some level it was a personal attack. He redeemed himself quickly, but it did not fully take away the bad taste he had already left in my mouth.
2. The US government representative from Texas emphasized that in our country one is innocent until proven guilty. Would it have been the same speech if this was for OJ? Or is everyone in the US that cynical and judgemental? These are interesting times.
3. If you missed Jennifer Hudson's rendition of MJ's song ... you must find it and listen! She blew that thing right out of the park!
I know what it is to lose a brother. I have watched my parents mourn his death, some 20 years ago now, everytime we are together as a family. I think about what it would have been like if had been allowed to stay here with us, to know my children his nieces and nephews, his brother and sisters. Where his journey would have taken him in life. He was also a very spiritual and influential person in his life and works. He was also persecuted within certain circles. But in his search, he found wonder and possibility.
..... see and live life as a child watching the circus. Enjoy each moment, feel and celebrate the wonder, and look forward to what is to come, if you take a stumble and fall get back up .... because the show must go on. All we really have is right now, right this minute, today.
In honor of living life to its fullness every moment we have, here's my circus quilt.

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